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Analysis of Single LLPS Sequence
BIAPSS - Evolutionary conservation of given phase-separated sequence.

Composition and Complexity of SingleSEQ

BIAPSS - Biophysical Characteristics of a single LLPS sequence: polarity, hydrophobicity, charge, aromaticity, π-systems, secondary structure, solvent accessibility, structural disorder, evolutionary conservation.

Chemical Properties Patterns

BIAPSS - Short Linear Motifs (SLiMs, ELMs, LARKS, GARs, zipper, tandem repeats) detected in a single LLPS sequence.


BIAPSS - Evolutionary conservation of given phase-separated sequence.

Multiple Sequence Alignment

BIAPSS - Sequence-based predictions of secondary structure elements for given LLPS sequence.

Secondary Structure Prediction

BIAPSS - Sequence-based predictions of solvent accessibility of given LLPS sequence.

Solvent Accessibility Prediction

BIAPSS - Sequence-based predictions of intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of given LLPS sequence.

Structural Disorder Prediction

BIAPSS - Sequence-based predictions of contact maps for a given LLPS sequence.

Contact Map Prediction